Welcome to the Pet Mom blog page!


I am so glad that you've come to visit! I was hoping you might stop by today! I just love it when friends drop by. I'll put on the kettle and make us a cup of tea, maybe a glass of wine is your thing and we can have a good chat about anything and everything, like our pets, our gardens, our families or anything else on your mind.

If you can't stay long this time I hope you'll come again. Thanks for visiting!

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Our dogs are smarter than we think............

"I used to look at [my dog] Smokey and think, 'If you were a little smarter you could tell me what you were thinking,' and he'd look at me like he was saying, 'If you were a little smarter, I wouldn't have to.'"

-- Fred Jungclaus

Breed Snob's

     Hello, I have been wanting to write about people that I call; "Breed Snob's".........when it comes to their dogs.
     Our newest companion dog is a "mixed" breed. A friend at lunch asks, "well what kind of dog is it, can't the vet figure it out"?!
    Just for your information 'friend", your cattle dog when originally breed, was derived from 4 different dog breeds to come up with
yours! Maybe more..........who really knows. Who really cares!!!!

       And many dog breeds have been ruined by humans in attempt to breed looks and the outcome of these dogs is that they suffer from our stupidity. Their health can be compromised from all the in-breeding; nice job.
    And for WHAT, so you can say, "I have a such and such"..................?

    I could lump backyard/puppy mill breeders and true breed snob's into one group, but I don't want to get hate mail. (I help with animal rescue, so I have seen some bad things that this type of breeding can bring about.)

    Then there are the folks online writing in the reverse. Calling
mixed breed dog owners the 'snobs'............I don't think so!!!

And I could mention the new 'designer dogs' that are appearing; that should be saved for another day.

   My two favorite dogs that I was lucky enough to have had in my life were mixed breeds.
   Best Regards,

  Author and my LabraWhip........:-)

Find out what dog breed you are!

I am a Whippet.

discover your dog breed @ quiz meme


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Real or Fake?


Friday, January 22, 2010

National Squirrel Appreciation Day

Who would have guessed! Well I would appreciate it if the neighbors would NOT feed them peanuts!
They end up EVERYWERE on my property, even with 2-3 large dogs running around most days......

Photo borrowed from blog: Barking at the Moon........check it out......too funny!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Balls found inside 'rattling' DOG!

Balls found inside 'rattling' dog

This naughty little lab in Scotland was caught with 13 golf balls in his stomach.

Neuter your MALE CAT........stop the neighborhood yowling, fights and vet bills!

Dear Neigbors,
   Get your dammmmm outdoor cats, spay and neutered!
Stop the nightly yowling and fights...............there are
more unwanted pets than homes.............

Read the facts.....................


Black Dog Adoption Discount.........All black dogs must go.

East Montgomery - News
MCAS offers black dog adoption special

Another black dog waits to go home to a good family at the MCAS.
East Montgomery Observer

Published: 01.13.10
   All black dogs must go. Well at least the Montgomery County Animal Shelter would like to see at least 100 or more of its black dogs go by the end of January. MCAS is holding a “Winter Black Dog” adoption special for the month of January where pet lovers can adopt a black dog from the shelter for as little as $40.
    For female black dogs, the fee is $60 and for males, the fee is $40. The fee includes the dog’s first set of shots, a microchip and a spay/neuter. This adoption special is a huge discount from the usual $100 adoption fee.
   “We don’t know why there is a surge in black dogs we take in, but in the adoption rooms, every other dog is a black one and we have 180+ dogs.
For more information on the “Winter Black Dog” adoption special, visit the MCAS website at www.mcaspets.org or contact Glennon at marketing@mcasvolunteers.org.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

very cool you tube about N. Cal Earthquake and dog's senitivity!

Pay attention....Reasons to SCOOP YOUR DOGS POOP!

Dog Waste is bad for the environment

     Dogs don’t use toilets
     Dog feces contain the same bacteria that human waste contains. Humans use toilets and have sewers and sewage treatment plants to protect the environment and drinking water.
    But when we don’t pick up after our dogs we are depositing sewage on the fields where we play, trails where we walk, and beaches where we swim.

Non-Point Source Pollution
     Feces deposited in yards, fields and trails runs off into streams, rivers and even into groundwater. This negatively affects water quality.
    Dog waste is estimated to cause between 20-30 % of stream pollution.
    Dog Waste contains nitrogen and phosphorus. These nutrients promote algae growth in lakes, ponds, and streams. This limits light available to aquatic plants. As the algae decays it uses up oxygen that is needed by fish.
    Runoff containing dog waste also causes bacteria levels to rise in waterways and can make beaches unsafe for swimming.

How much poop is there?
      An estimated 1.25 million lbs/year in Whistler
      The very large number of dogs that live in Whistler creates an unnatural volume of waste that the environment cannot handle.

          The large quantity of nutrients in dog poop can "burn out" grass plants by overfeeding them, creating a spotty "minefield" look in yards where poop isn't scooped. DOG WASTE IS NOT FERTILIZER.

How does the poop get into the streams?
         Rainwater and melt-off washes poop into storm drains which eventually empty out into our streams. Even poop deposited far from a stream can still end up in our waterways. Feces may also be carried by overland flow.

What is in Dog Waste?
    Some Common Diseases:
   E. Coli
   Fecal Coliforms

Dog Waste is a Public Health Issue
      Each of those listed above is a disease that humans can get!

      Us adults may not roll in the fields, roll on the grass with our dogs, or touch the dog’s toys and then our mouths because we understand how diseases are spread.
      Young children are not so careful.
     If a child touches an object that has been in contact with dog feces and then touches their hand to their mouth, they could become infected with a disease.
        Roundworm larva, if ingested by a human, can migrate throughout the body to organs such as the brain, lungs, kidneys, liver, heart, or eyes. Roundworm larva can cause blindness.

Great Reasons to Scoop the Poop:
   1. To Protect local water quality
   2. To Protect our children from disease
   3. To Monitor your dog’s health
   4. To Respect our community and the visitor experience
   5. It’s the law in Whistler  (and other citiies)to pick up pet waste deposited in a public place.

    Although this was written for the city of Whistler...........the facts remain.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Today's saying

"It is better to stay silent and be thought a fool, than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt."

Friday, January 8, 2010


Homeless pets, when up for adoption, BLACK is not the color you want to be.

Who knows, superstition, not reflecting light in the dark dismal shelters......................Next time you are looking to adopt a companion animal into your home.........take a look at that black animal, yes, that one there, at the back of the kennel......waiting for YOU!!!

video link:   http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/AmazingAnimals/pet-owners-overlook-black-dogs-cats-animal-shelters/story?id=8785177

Thursday, January 7, 2010

English Bull Dogs For Sale SCAM

To my amazement, the local newspaper called me wondering about my ad for an English Bulldog for sale. A "Carla Bailey" wanted to run an ad with MY petsitting phone number attatched with my billing address (which the paper has on file), at least the classified people called me!!!! "Carla" listed an e-mail address, hoping some greedy sucker would write for $400 English Bull. They usually run $1200-$2500.................."Carla" is probably from Nigeria.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


I am so glad that you've come to visit. I was hoping you might stop by today! I just love it when friends drop by. I'll put on the kettle and make us a cup of tea, maybe a glass of wine is your thing and we can have a good chat about all kinds of good stuff, like our pets, our gardens, our families, or anything else on your mind.
If you can't stay long this time I hope you'll come again. Thanks for visiting.

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