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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What can G.I.s do with their pet dogs while away in Iraq or Afghanistan?

I got an e-mail today about a dog that will soon be homeless when its owner is deployed to Iraq.
If this guys family won't take the dog into their care, what is a person to do?
It would be nice if a family or friend would keep the dog so the poor guy had one more reason
to make it home alive..........in this case no such luck.

Then the question becomes; what if the dog comes down with some serious, expensive health
issue while the owner is away? What if there is a simple yard escape and a car gets in the way.
Who pays for these potential expenses, not to mention food and basic care?

Should the pets be re-homed and just forget about fostering and the like? One more heartache
for our service men and women...........................one solution? Get us the hell out of these countries
and lets take care of our own!!! In the meantime.......if you have a service man or women in your life
that has a pet, please consider fostering or adopting!


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